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The O.F.F. Market is a monthly marketplace that brings together small businesses, artisans, brewers, bakers, farmers and the like to provide a unique shopping experience that supports strong community connections and strives to grow a hearty local economy.


The vast and diverse, Summit Park, serves as home to The Off Market and offers a plethora of amenities that the whole family can enjoy. Here you'll find multiple playgrounds, walking trails, splash and nature scapes, fishing ponds, bars and restaurants, as well as plenty of free parking and a centralized location to boot. We can't wait for you to spend a day with us.

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Want to Vend?

Looking to get in on The O.F.F. Market action?  Does your passion include fun-filled days talking to people, selling your super sweet wares?  Then we would love to have you come to spend your vending days with us!  




Fill out the form below.   


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